Monday, July 03, 2006

Christianshavnermilen - July

--Links in the Links section. All in Danish!--

Contrary to yesterday's post, this is actually 7.532km in total - an old Danish (read 'Viking') mile. I went with assorted people from work - a friend for whom this would be her furthest run yet, a friend of hers, and also one from my department who turned up at the start line just in time having run to get there. My leg had been feeling stiff all day so I was wondering whether it was such a good idea to be there at all, standing in the heat waiting to go, but such it was. There's not alot you can do in the way of prevarication if a pretty Danish girl suggests you run with her.

We ended up not running together anyway as the men start 3 minutes ahead of the ladies. I hadn't pushed for a front row starting position, so to start with it was slow going- just as well as there hadn't been a warm up to speak of. However after a kilometer or so, I was running along quite nicely with only a little pain in the leg, and by 3 km was overhauling plenty of people - I don't think Danes are adapted to running in heat.

It was a nice course around Christianshavn and the moat - the fortifications on the other side of town from the ones I run around usually. We ran past the 'free city' of Christiania, famous for being the place where soft drugs are (or were) tolerated. Or maybe not - a group of untidy looking teenagers was being searched by the Police along one road. The last 2 km took us along the lakeside, where I managed a pretty good build up to the line, and finished in about 30 minutes 57 seconds. Not bad.

My friends followed me in, and later, as I sat on a park bench with an ice cream and the one who had told me to run this time, I joked that next time should be the marathon. 'Maybe next year,' she replied - and I'm not sure if she actually might go through with it.


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