Sunday, July 09, 2006

Weekly Results 9th July – British Rail…

…or as their old slogan went, ‘We’re getting there’ – though in my case, and arguably theirs too, not particularly quickly.

Following the Christianshavnermilen on Monday, I ran an 8.85km route on Thursday, more or less the ‘injury route’ but avoiding the park opposite Østerport. No great shakes there; I would have liked to have thrown in a couple more lakes to get it above 10km, but the effects of a beer beforehand and the heat (getting on for 30 degrees) meant that was not really a viable option.

I spent today largely at the lakes – having met a friend for brunch at midday at the café on the third lake, we then went for a walk around the first three and returned to it for a drink. After a less than promising start, the day had heated up. Later in the afternoon we shifted to a bench by the cafes on the first lake, watching runners coming past in various styles, most of which we were not very complementary about (see ‘Things to Consider No. 1'), until the recent heatwave got too much for Copenhagen and it clouded over. The various types of ducks were more interesting anyway, one particularly distinctive (and slightly harassed-looking) one has produced 13 ducklings. She is dark with a white splodge on her throat, no idea what type she is.

Anyway the cloud meant Brunch Girl went home and I went for a run, 10.9km, which is around all the lakes and twice around the last two. The clouds produced the first rain for weeks as I went, a gentle cooling type, and after looking good past the cafes (which was not a Thing to Consider today, given that the World Cup final started in 5 minutes and it was raining, so they were empty), I finished up in about 45 minutes.

We’re getting there.

Results for the week:

Distance run this week: 27.273km

Distance run to date: 97.373km

Distance cycled this week: 0km

Distance cycled to date: 74km

Distance rowed this week: 8km

Distance rowed to date: 42.3km

I have entered a 10km race on Wednesday evening of next week, which the start time 35 minutes after the scheduled arrival of my flight from London. Just as well it is near the airport...I may end up running to it!


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